About FLS
Improving skills training for surgical residents and medical students intending surgical careers is a national priority. The skills of a surgeon are assessed at many points during a career. These assessments are largely subjective and technical competence is never directly measured. This is a significant barrier to improved skill training and higher competence levels.
Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS), a national certification initiative for laparoscopic skill and knowledge, is an example of a program using objective criteria for skill training outcomes. FLS training is now the obligation of every surgical residency (and will most likely become an obligation of medical schools to their students seeking surgical residencies).
The Department’s Surgical Skills and Simulation Laboratory is an official test center for surgeons interested in becoming certified in FLS. The Laboratory has been certified as a test center since 2007 and currently has two FLS certified testing proctors and an FLS surgical champion within the Department of Surgery. Over 100 surgeons and general surgery residents have been certified through our test center.