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Meet Our Faculty

Roozbeh Mansour, MD, FACS

Assistant Professor of Surgery,
Wayne State University School of Medicine
Office Address:
Detroit Receiving Hospital
4201 St. Antoine, 4S-13
Detroit, MI 48201
Phone: (313) 745-1350
Fax: (313) 745-2965

Administrative Assistant: Chandra Mauldin
Administrative Email:

SPECIALTY: General, Trauma, Bariatric,
and Minimally Invasive Surgery
  • Abdominal Wall Reconstruction
  • Bariatric Surgery
  • Foregut Surgery
  • Minimal Invasive Surgery
  • Robotic Surgery


– American Board of General Surgery Qualifying Exam: Passed
– American Board of General Surgery Certifying Exam: Passed

–  M.D.,  Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Tehran, Iran

– Minimally Invasive and Bariatric Surgery Fellowship. Greenville Health Systems. Greenville,  SC
– General Surgery Residency. Wayne State University / Detroit Medical Center. Detroit, MI

– Fellow of American College of Surgeons
– American Medical Association
– Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons
– American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery
– Wayne State Surgical Society


1. Impact of Genitourinary Injuries on Patients Requiring an Emergency Laparotomy for Trauma. Britt Zimmerman, Alfred E. Baylor III, Lisa Hall Zimmerman, PharmD, Heather Dolman, Jeremy R. Ciullo, Jessica Dornbush, Andrew R. Isaacson, Roozbeh Mansour, Robert F. Wilson, James G. Tyburski. Cureus, Jan 31 2020.

2. Use of a Synthetic Bio-absorbable Tissue Scaffold in the Closure of the Retro-Roux and Meso-Mesenteric Internal Hernia Spaces During Roux-en-Y Divided Gastric Bypasses Leads to a Significant Reduction of Subsequent Internal Hernia Repairs. Scott  J,  Ewing J, Mansour R, Love W, McDermott S, Hale A, SOARD ,2016 Aug, Vol 12, Issue 7, pp S53-S54

3. A Large Single-Center Experience of Open Lateral Abdominal Wall Hernia Repairs. Patel, PP, Warren, JA, Mansour, R, Cobb, WS, Carbonell, AM,  The American Surgeon, 2016 July, Vol 82 No 7 pp 608-612(5)


– Basic Surgical Skills Course for Nurse Practitioners, guest instructor          2013-2015

– Routine educational meetings with medical students on surgical skills and pertinent topics    2013-2015

– Teaching residents advanced laparoscopic skills in animal lab  2015-2016

– Teaching surgical skills in the skills lab at Wayne State University. 2019-current

– Teaching students and surgery residents as active faculty member. 04/19-current