COVID-19 Update for Residents
December 26, 2021
Good evening!
I hope everyone is having a great holiday season. I have received several questions regarding our current surgery resident COVID plan – and wanted to provide updates for all:
- If you are sick with symptoms of COVID, do not come to work, obtain a COVID test, and let me know.
- If you are COVID positive, stay home. You can return to work after 7 days assuming you are symptom free and have a negative covid test. These 7 days can be shortened depending on symptoms, negative COVID test, and potential workforce shortages.
- Always wear PPE (mask and eye protection) while at work.
- If you are wearing your PPE and are vaccinated & boosted, exposures don’t occur.
- If you are vaccinated & boosted, no quarantine is necessary in the event of an exposure – even in high-risk exposure
- Do not COVID test following an exposure if you are asymptomatic – COVID testing should only occur in the presence of symptoms.
As COVID may affect our surgical workforce, adjustments to resident schedules might become necessary. Please continue to be flexible during these times – we are always trying to be fair and transparent.
If you have any questions/concerns, please let me know.
Happy Holidays,
David Edelman
Program Director